Salam Jumaat : Beware Of The Leaking Bucket - MRS.A my blog my stori MRS.A my blog my stori: Salam Jumaat : Beware Of The Leaking Bucket

1 Mac 2019

Salam Jumaat : Beware Of The Leaking Bucket


As Salam and greetings to dear readers.

Actually ada banyak jenis leaking bucket tapi Mrs. A tertarik nak share yang ini. Terasa sangat terkesan dengan diri sendiri.

1. You wear abaya and hijab but with perfume and makeup (A leaking bucket)

2. You're following Sunnah and have a beard but you don't lower your gaze (A leaking bucket)

3. You pray all of your prayers on time but you have no khu'shu at all (A leaking bucket)

4. You're very kind to people and speak with them gently but with your family you're always harsh (A leaking bucket)

5. You honour and treat your guests well but when they leave, you gossip about them and talk about their flaws (A leaking bucket)

6. You give alot of sadaqah to the poor but you humiliate them and hurt them(A leaking bucket)

7. You stand up for tahajjud at night, fast and reads Qur'an everyday but you cut your family ties 
(A leaking bucket)

8. You fast and have sabr for the pangs of hunger and thirst but you swear, insult, curse (A leaking bucket)

9. You help others but you're doing it to gain something from them and not doing those acts of kindness for the sake pf Allah's Glory (A leaking bucket)

10. You post reminders and have thousands of followers on facebook and instagram but you're doing it for the fame, not to please ALLAH. Do not gather all your good deeds in a leaking bucket. You struggle to fill it whilst it easily runs out through the leaking holes.

Credit: The Ideal Muslimah

11 ulasan:

  1. banyaknya leaking bucket...ilmu & akhlak seiring sejalan..

  2. SubhanaAllah.Betul sangat-sangat.sama jugalah dilisan ucap syuga sedangkan perbuatan mendekat pada neraka.Allahu Allah.Terjentik hati.Terima kasih perkongsian ini Mrs A.

  3. Harap2 bukan perangai kitalah tu

  4. Menarik perkongsian Mrs.A ni 😍

  5. Menusuk ke hati list leaking busket mrs A ni. Moga kita sama2 perbaiki diri dan tampal semula lubang-lubang yang leaking pada bucket kita ;)

  6. allahuakbar.. muhasabah diri sendiri jugak pada sy ni ;)

  7. Huhu tq for reminding mama

  8. terima kasih di atas perkongsian..

  9. kita rasa dah buat sehabis baik rupa2nya...

  10. Good reminder wak..saya selalu buat video review akan check betul2 takut2 ada leacking bucket yang tak perasan macamni. Biasa leaking kat bahagian lengan dan bawah dagu..bahaya..sanggup shoot video lain walaupun leceh..huhu


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